Mongolia has a very rich cultural background. Respecting their elders and parents, is a vital in this country. The way you greet, how you sit, or how you live speaks to people.
There are some do’s and don’ts , same as many different nations. All men created from dust, yet we are all unique and different.
In Mongolia, people love to drink milk tea with salt. I noticed many foreigners kind of wonder about it. In olden days, the salt actually would protect them from any harm of virus or bacteria. We know a story of old people, how eating salt really saved their lives.
In Mongolia, when you play with kids, or anybody, please don’t play “stealing your nose“. It is very very rude and some people might give you a punch! Seriously!
Handshaking is part of their greetings.
When you enter in Mongolian ger, the guest would go to your left hand side and sit according your age. Older one sits on the top left and goes on… Right side of the ger is their family and wife’s space.
Anythings else? Please ask. :) Thank you!
Updated: 03/23/2020
We shared some glimpse of cultural taste on youtube files below.
Mongolian GER (Yurt - Russian name, similar like Navajo Hogan).
Mongolian Horse Race. Horse is a big part of Mongolian culture. They say, "We were born on a horse."
Mongolian Bow - how they make Mongolian bow.
“Home is where you treat your Friends like family and your Family like friends.”